Purchase of Manhattan Island from the Indians, 1626: The First Big Real Estate Deal
Fort Hamilton Ave., Fort Hamilton, N. Y.
[The Purchase of Manhattan Island from the Indians.]
In 1626, Peter Minuit, the first Dutch Governor - General of New Netherland, purchased all of Manhattan Island from the Indians for the equivalent of $24.00.
Purchase of Manhattan Island from the Indians
The Dutch Garden, Van Cortlandt Park, N. Y.
Lower Manhattan 1609 as Hudson First Saw It.
An Indian Village of the Manhattans
Bedford Corners, 1777.
Statue of Liberty, New York
The Little Church Around the Corner, New York
The Miniature Railroad, Dreamland, Coney Island, N. Y.
The Lagoon, Luna Park, Coney Island, N. Y.
The Flag of Thirteen Stripes, the Standard of the United States....
Sport on the Beach. Greetings from Coney Island.
In 1692 Col. Peter Schuyler took five Iroquois chiefs to London. The Indians were objects of intense interest at the Court of St. James.
Arrival of the ship of Captain Christaensen.
In 1639 Jonas Bronck, after whom the Borough of the Bronx was named, purchased land in that Borough from the Indians. In 1642, after many hostilities, a treaty with the Indians was signed in his house