Palais D'Or, Broadway at 48th Street, New York City.
[Dining room at the Lescaze home, 211 East 48th Street.]
Phil Gluckstern's Famous Kosher Cuisine, 209 West 48th Street, New York 19
[Interiors-Dining Room, Henry H. Taft, 38 W. 48th St.]
Main Dining Room -- Sardi's -- 234-36 West 44th St. New York. Air Conditioned
Hotel Latham, 28th Street and Fifth Avenue, New York. Main Dining Room.
[Living room in the Lescaze home, 211 East 48th Street.]
[Living room of the Lescaze Home, 211 Easr 48th Street.]
[A. 65 West 48th Street ; B. Brownstone on West 48th Street.]
[339 East 48th Street.]
Main Dining Room, Sweets Restaurant, New York's Oldest Seafood Restaurant
[Broadway and 48th Street.]
Hotel Bristol - W. 48th St. between Broadway & Radio City, New York.
[Corner of living room in the Lescaze home, 211 East 48th Street.]
110 West 57th Street. Lotos Club, main dining room.
East 48th Street. Apartment House.
48th Street. Rectors residence, kitchen ranges.
Residence, Henry H. Taft, 38 West 48th Street.
[Reception room of the office of William Lescaze, 211 East 48th Street.]