The Royalton
Sardi's Restaurant and Grill, 234 West 44th Street, New York City
Hotel Times Square
Jack & Charlie's "21."
The World Famous "Reuben's" 6 East 58th Street, Just off Fifth Avenue, New York
181 West Tenth St.
The Danbury Room, White Turkey Restaurant
Xochitl Mexican Restaurant.
Luchow's Famous Restaurant, 110 East 14th St., New York City.
"The Plaza Group" Fifth Avenue and Fifty-Ninth Street, New York from Central Park
N. Y. Public Library
New Library. 5th Ave. & 42nd Street. New York City
Broadway at Herald Square showing McAlpin Hotel, New York.
The Famous Hotel Taft, New York
Hotel Manhattan
Maison Felix
Ben Riley's Arrowhead Inn
Hotel Lincoln, New York City.
Hotel Plaza -- New York City.
Hotel Paramount, New York City.