Mrs. Longworth, Formerly Miss Roosevelt.
Mrs. Roosevelt and Sons.
Mrs. Theodore Roosevelt and her Daughter Ethel.
Roosevelt Family
President Roosevelt and his Sons.
The Roosevelt Family.
Theodore Roosevelt at Oyster Bay.
Donkeys, Central Park, N. Y. City.
Fifth Avenue, N. Y. City.
Entrance to Central Park, N. Y. City
[Mrs. Henry O. Havemeyer, Jr. (neé Charlotte Whiting).]
[Mrs. R. K. Haight (neé Sarah Rogers).]
President Roosevelt and Family.
The Montauk Club, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Mrs. H. O. Havemeyer, Jr. [neé Charlotte Whiting.]
Mrs. James Beekman (Jane Ketaltas)
"Wish I was a Dog"
Col. Theodore Roosevelt
Vanderbilt and Carnegie Mansion