View in the Hudson & Manhattan R.R. Company's Tunnel. Under the Hudson River.
Steamer C. W. Morse
Steamer St. John
Hudson River Day Line Steamer. "Albany."
Copy of map of N.Y., N.J., Brooklyn, etc.
Hudson River Day Line Steamer "New York"
Hudson River Day Line Steamer "Robert Fulton"
The Hudson River, looking East from West Point.
Hudson River Waterfront, Jersey City, N.J.
Skyline of N.Y.
Col. Club, N.J.
Permanent Railway Tie Corp., Lackawanna R.R. Installation at Secaucus N.J.
New Jersey Rail Road & Transportation Cos. Steam Ferry Boat "New York" Plying Between Cortland St. & Jersey City
Weehawken Bluff (N.J.)
Steamer "Hendrick Hudson."