Here it is Christmas and They Began Saying Good-bye in August
Advice to Girls About to Marry - get used to this language when you tell him you want a new hat
A Cozy Corner
Another Monopoly
Is a Caddy Always Necessary?
[Woman looking for work.]
Their Presence of Mind. They had been in their room but a moment when they were startled by a knock.
That delicious moment when you are asked to take into dinner the girl who refused you last night.
Is This a Case for the S.P.C.A.? It is now 6:45 P.M. and this dog has been here since ten this morning.
Not Inconsolable
A Good Game for Two
Last Day of Summer
Who Cares?
The Susceptible Rock - Even Nature Responds.
The stout gentleman hoped he had found a secluded spot for the honeymoon.
That Horrible Moment - when, having had the nerve to turn down the light, you find that you haven't the nerve to make the next move.
Out in the Cold
America Picturesque, Scenes anywhere along the coast.
Under the Mistletoe. "As in a Looking glass."