Here it is Christmas and They Began Saying Good-bye in August
Advice to Girls About to Marry - get used to this language when you tell him you want a new hat
A Cozy Corner
Another Monopoly
Is a Caddy Always Necessary?
Their Presence of Mind. They had been in their room but a moment when they were startled by a knock.
[While a wife is engrossed in the television, her husband bricks up the doorway.]
That delicious moment when you are asked to take into dinner the girl who refused you last night.
Is This a Case for the S.P.C.A.? It is now 6:45 P.M. and this dog has been here since ten this morning.
[Woman looking for work.]
A Good Game for Two
Last Day of Summer
Not Inconsolable
Who Cares?
The Susceptible Rock - Even Nature Responds.
It can be done
[Wrinkle Removal.]
The stout gentleman hoped he had found a secluded spot for the honeymoon.
That Horrible Moment - when, having had the nerve to turn down the light, you find that you haven't the nerve to make the next move.