When the Hunting Season Opens
The Dog: Here he has been hanging around us for a month, and we leave to-night.
Advice to Caddies - You will save time by keeping an eye on the ball, not the player
The Susceptible Rock - Even Nature Responds.
No Wonder the Sea Serpent Frequents our Coast
A Good Game for Two
Who Cares?
As the shadow of age over every soul hovers ever from day of birth so youth's sweet ghost doth age control and tether it still to earth.
Last Day of Summer
Here it is Christmas and They Began Saying Good-bye in August
She: I Could Never Marry a Man Until He Has Done Something Brave and Heroic. He: I' ll Take You at Your Word, My Dear I Ask You to be My Wife.
Out in the Cold
Can You Drive a Car? Will You Drive One in France? Immediate Service at the Front!
A Couple Conversing in a Drawing Room
At a Comedy
Under the Mistletoe. "As in a Looking glass."