The stout gentleman hoped he had found a secluded spot for the honeymoon.
America Picturesque, Scenes anywhere along the coast.
When the Hunting Season Opens
The Susceptible Rock - Even Nature Responds.
Is This a Case for the S.P.C.A.? It is now 6:45 P.M. and this dog has been here since ten this morning.
Last Day of Summer
Under the Mistletoe. "As in a Looking glass."
"Wish I was a Dog"
Here it is Christmas and They Began Saying Good-bye in August
Has She a Heart?
"An Ocean Breeze."
Advice to Caddies - You will save time by keeping an eye on the ball, not the player
No Wonder the Sea Serpent Frequents our Coast
Two Strings to Her Beaux
Their Presence of Mind. They had been in their room but a moment when they were startled by a knock.
Morning After the Storm. They parted the evening before, never to meet again.
Mr. A. Merger Hogg is Taking a Few Days Much - Needed Rest at His Country Home.