Bock Bier
Schalk's Bock
F. & M. Schaefer's Golden Liquid Lager Bier
Bargain Sale
View of Central Park
The Mammoth Bartholdi's Statue of Liberty, on Bedloe's Island
A Ride With the Dutchess [Adams' Yellow Kid Chewing Gum.]
363 Johnson Avenue. Kings Brewery. Advertising signs
Philip Hussla, Bairische Bier Halle
John Peter Zenger edited the "Weekly Journal" in which he freely criticized the arbitrary acts of the royal government. He was tried for libel and acquitted. This verdict established the principle of
The Odd-Fellows Chart.
The Draw on the Bowery.
Automobile trucks.
Colored Engravings for the People
Yes or No?
The American Beauty.