North Restaurant, Hotel Manhattan, New York City.
Gentlemens Cafe, Hotel Manhattan, New York City.
Rotunda, Hotel Manhattan, New York City
McKinley Suite, Hotel Manhattan, New York City.
State Apartments, Hotel Manhattan, New York City.
Hotel Manhattan, New York.
[Reading room in the Fifth Avenue Hotel.]
Oak Room, Hotel St. Regis, New York City
[North Dining Room, Hotel Manhattan.]
North Dining Room, Hotel Manhattan.
Cafe Dining Room, Hotel Manhattan.
Post Office and Hotel Manhattan.
Royal Suite, Drawing Room, The Waldorf - Astoria Hotel, New York City.
Hotel Manhattan.
Hotel Manhattan, N. Y. City.
Hotel Manhattan, Dutch Room.
Ladies and Gentlemen's Restaurant. Hotel Astor, New York.
Hotel Belmont, Ladie's Room.
Hotel Biltmore, Interior, Music room.