Jam at the Brooklyn Bridge During the Rush Hours, N.Y. City.
"Union Square " N.Y.
Union Square, N.Y.
Union Square, looking North, N.Y. City.
Grant's Tomb, New York City.
Union Square N.Y.
Union Square, N. Y. City
Union Square, looking North, N. Y. City.
The Terrace, Central Park, N. Y. City.
Sky Line, New York Harbor.
Washington Monument, Union Square, N. Y., City
The Little Church Around the Corner, N. Y. City.
Union Square, New York City.
Washington Monument, Union Square, N. Y. City.
Bank of Metropolis B'd'g. Broadway. Union Square Park, N.Y.
Union Sq. Sun Dodgers, N.Y.
[Union Sq. Sun Dodgers, N.Y.]
St. Patrick's Cathedral, New York City.
Statue of Liberty, N. Y. Harbor.