Franz Siegel Monument
General Franz Seigel Monument, Riverside Drive, N.Y.
Grant's Tomb, New York.
Riverside Drive During the Illumination of the Fleet - Showing the Sigel Monument as it Looked on the Night of October 14th.
Riverside Drive at 106th Street, New York City.
Statue of Liberty, New York Harbor, New York.
Greater New York. Riverside Drive - Grant's Tomb.
Spanish Museum, New York
A. Sherman Statue- Plaza- New York; B. Soldiers and Sailors Monument, from the Hudson.
New Viaduct
Hendrik Hudson, New York.
Soldiers' and Sailor's Monument, Riverside Drive, New York.
Riverside Church, New York.
The Riverside Church, New York City
The Dona Vista, New York.
The Nave, Riverside Church, New York.
The New York Institution for the Deaf, 163rd St., and Fort Washington
Residence of Charles M. Schwab, the Steel King, Riverside Drive and 73rd Street, New York