So You Don't Think a Clean - Up was Necessary, Eh?
"You See it Can Be Done, You Had Your Chance!"
How Do You Like it, Mr. Taxpayer?
"I Guess I'll be Militant."
"Guess I'll Have to Run the Darn Thing Myself."
It's Up to You, Mr. Voter.
It's Up to You!
Now that He Has Wrecked it, it's up to Him to Do a Good Job Rebuilding.
A Blow - Up Coming.
It's Up to the Magistrates.
"Not if I Can Stop It."
"I'm a 'New" Tammany as Long as it Doesn't Hit My Pocket - Book."
Showing Them Up.
"You Don't Think That Ends it, Do You?"
A Chance to be St. George.
"You Don't Happen to Know Who Got the $10,000 Do You?"
Do You Think You Could Do a Better Job if I Promoted You?
"Do You Realize What's Going On Here?"
"My Son, I Hate to Do this, but it is My Duty."
A Mask for the Bar Association to Strip Off.