"Don't Answer the Bell, Mr. President!"
That's Not a Good Enough Answer This Time.
Here Are Two Jobs Open, Anyhow.
"Yeah, and What Are You Goin' to Do About?"
The New Comic.
Fight in the Wigwam.
The Old Brother Act.
The Borough President Race.
Trotting Out the Old Parrot.
Taking Back the Robe She Gave.
Hackshaw, the Detective. Starts for Home.
What a Lot of People Are Out of Town!
"You're There in the Pinches, Boy."
"How About Sayin' Let's Sift it Up to the Very Bottom?"
The Painful Process of Prophecy.
"I'm Running This Town."
Sour Cream.
"Walker? Who?"
"My Son, I Hate to Do this, but it is My Duty."