Clarifying His Position.
A Heart of Stone.
Bad News.
Choosing a Hylan Ticket.
A Weary Business.
Sometimes He Gets a Break.
A Chance to be St. George.
A Good Argument for a City Manager.
How About a Little Old- Fashioned Economy?
The Timid Soul. (With a Bow to Webster.)
Having a Fit.
The Head of a Bankrupt Firm has a Little Chat with the Manager.
"All Things Come Home at Eventide."
A Hard Job for any Leader.
Here's Hoping to a Smash Hit.
He Would Kick Like the Devil if it Weren't for Such a Needy Cause.
A Busy Little Bee.
The Endurance Sitter, or Up a Tree.
Alone in a Wet, Wet Ocean.
A Good One on the Sardines.