Hackshaw, the Detective. Starts for Home.
And in the Face of All This?
At Bay.
Citizenship at its Best.
"All for One (Mayor) and for All."
The Perennial Candidate for Mayor. (They Will Probably Use Another Name at Election Time.)
"Take Her Back to the Garage, Joe. I'm Using the Subway."
Let's Look at the Record, Mr. Mahoney.
"Better Come Out, Boys."
"Come On, Pussy."
All Right, Al - Let's.
Steady Pressure at the Brink.
How About This One?
Is His Mouth Watering!
As He Would Like to Have It.
Here Are Two Jobs Open, Anyhow.
Too Much Liquid "Assets."
"You Don't Think That Ends it, Do You?"
"Who -- Me?"
"Yeah, and What Are You Goin' to Do About?"