"I'm Really a Peaceful Guy."
"I'm Going to Investigate You."
"I Am - Sorry."
"There's No Use in Trying to Fight That Man Smith."
"I'm Running This Town."
"Take Her Back to the Garage, Joe. I'm Using the Subway."
"My Son, I Hate to Do this, but it is My Duty."
"I'm for Harmony, Gentlemen."
"I Can't Let Them Starve but Where to Get the Money?"
The Harvest is Ripe.
Though I Speak with the Tongues of Men and of Angels, but Have Not Charity, I Have Become Sounding Brass or a Clanging Cymbal.
Time to See Where This Money is Going.
It Was a Long Time Coming, but Here it is at Last.
"I'm a 'New" Tammany as Long as it Doesn't Hit My Pocket - Book."
"I Guess I'll be Militant."
Keep Them in There!
The Gray Dawn is Breaking.
"Just a Minute - I'm Not Dead - Only Sick."
"I Think the Plumbing is Defective, Sir."
"Hello Sam, I Hear Business is Bad."