"One Doesn't Have to be a Radical to Subscribe to That."
A Good One on the Sardines.
Trying to Soak the Boss.
The Appeal to Reason.
The Timid Soul. (With a Bow to Webster.)
Never Mind the Mess on the Floor - Give the Poor Policy - Holders a Break.
A Drive on the Rats.
You Might as Well Know What You're Getting.
The One Thing That Will Not Shatter His Nerves.
The Same Old Story - Rivetting Emergency Taxes into Permanent Ones.
Get that Broom to Work.
Here's Hoping to a Smash Hit.
And the Smile on the Face of the Tiger.
Here's One Job, Anyhow.
A Chance to be St. George.
Back to the Pond.
Keep Your Finger On It!
On the Warpath.
Time to See Where This Money is Going.
The Racketeer of the Milk Bottle.