The Old Brother Act.
Taking Back the Robe She Gave.
Trotting Out the Old Parrot.
Their Day.
A Strain on the Old Bean.
Dark Days for the Former Big Shots.
"Take Her Back to the Garage, Joe. I'm Using the Subway."
An Old Tammany Slogan.
Trying to Think up Another Shenanigan.
"How About Sayin' Let's Sift it Up to the Very Bottom?"
A Puzzle to the Tin-Box Boys.
The New Comic.
"My Son, I Hate to Do this, but it is My Duty."
Fight in the Wigwam.
The Borough President Race.
The Return to the Wigwam.
Hackshaw, the Detective. Starts for Home.
"You're There in the Pinches, Boy."
A Certain Old Gentleman Becomes Interested.
Trying to Put out the Light.