A Much Needed Housecleaning.
Too Much Liquid "Assets."
The Huckster.
Needed -- Another Barrier.
"Now Let's See How Much Indignation You've Got."
He'll Need Every Minute!
A Tammany Sydney Carton.
"I'd Do as Much for Any Democrat".
"I Don't Need the Money."
A Long Walk on an Empty Stomach.
A Set Pose.
[Simple Simon Met a Pieman...]
A Puzzle to the Tin-Box Boys.
Some Cream and a Lot of Tin Cans.
A Law - Giver Dodges the Law.
"Just a Minute Ago Joe McKee Stood on that Spot."
A Persistent Ghost.
"That's a Hot One."
A Mahout Changes Mounts.
A Victim of Compulsory Reform.