The Old Gentleman Takes a Walk Through His Estate.
A Certain Old Gentleman Becomes Interested.
An Impoverished Old Gentleman Contemplates a Huge Bag.
A Blow to the Old Gentleman.
Confused Old Gentleman Starts Walking.
A Bright Young Chauffer Takes Over an Old Wreck.
A Gabby Old Girl.
Giving the Little Girl a Big Hand.
The Old Boy Means Business this Time.
"Take it Easy Buddy, Until You Learn."
How About a Little Old- Fashioned Economy?
The Old Gang's Back.
The Old Realist.
A Strain on the Old Bean.
Taking Back the Robe She Gave.
Eventually it Exploded in His Hands.
The Old Brother Act.
Back to the Old Days.
Trotting Out the Old Parrot.
Hands Off!