"I'm Going to Investigate You."
"I'm Running This Town."
Taking Back the Robe She Gave.
Back to the Old Days.
"I'm for Harmony, Gentlemen."
"I'm a 'New" Tammany as Long as it Doesn't Hit My Pocket - Book."
"Just a Minute - I'm Not Dead - Only Sick."
The Perennial Candidate for Mayor. (They Will Probably Use Another Name at Election Time.)
"I Don't Have to Get Mine that Way!"
"I Never Heard of the Ewald Case."
"Just a Minute Ago Joe McKee Stood on that Spot."
"My Son, I Hate to Do this, but it is My Duty."
"I Am - Sorry."
As He Would Like to Have It.
"Yeah, and What Are You Goin' to Do About?"
"All Things Come Home at Eventide."
The Anvil Chorus.
The Nice, Soft Cushion.
The Tin Box Chorus.
"Not if I Can Stop It."