The Trick is to Get It.
"Mr. President!"
The Easy Mark.
"This is a Very Delicate Operation Called 'Splitting a Fee.'"
"I Can't Let Them Starve but Where to Get the Money?"
A Bad Ingredient.
Wise and Foolish.
"That Ought to Make Me Terribly Smart, Pop."
Good News for the Strap - Hangers.
Time for Spring Pruning.
For the Second Time.
He Would Kick Like the Devil if it Weren't for Such a Needy Cause.
Secured at Great Expense - to N.Y. City.
[Scrap metal for Japan.]
A Hard Job for any Leader.
A Good Argument for a City Manager.
The Only Flag for Al.
All the More Reason for Congressional Action.
$30 a Year Extra for the Sardines.
The Racketeer of the Milk Bottle.