Some More of Jerry's Bunk.
The Old Show Ain't What it Used to Be.
Don't Laugh - It's All Jerry's Got Left.
One reason, Jerry, is because LaGuardia is a Real Friend.
The Audience is Getting Restless, Jerry.
And He Wanted to be Mayor.
Puch Drunk by His Own Blows.
All for One, One for All.
Could It Be a Case of Mistaken Identity?
The House Cat Gets the Morning's News.
Their Day.
Back to the Old Days.
The Voice Behind the Mask.
Working Down Toward the Bottom.
Dark Days for the Former Big Shots.
The Blazing Sign.
The Painful Process of Prophecy.
A Strain on the Old Bean.
Does the Intelligent Voter Want a Return to This?
If You Don't Want This, Vote for McGoldrick.