A Good Argument for a City Manager.
It Has Certainly Agreed with Him.
The Has - Beens.
Under New Management.
A Busy Little Bee.
How About a Little Old- Fashioned Economy?
What About the Little Boy with the Tin Cup?
Though I Speak with the Tongues of Men and of Angels, but Have Not Charity, I Have Become Sounding Brass or a Clanging Cymbal.
The Timid Soul. (With a Bow to Webster.)
The End of a Species.
Has Somebody Doped Hawkshaw, the Detective?
The Endurance Sitter, or Up a Tree.
The Racketeer of the Milk Bottle.
The Playboys of Albany.
A Choice of Two Evils.
Dug out of the Sand.
Never Mind the Mess on the Floor - Give the Poor Policy - Holders a Break.
Give the Voter a Break.
A Hard Job for any Leader.
Here's Hoping to a Smash Hit.