Some More of Jerry's Bunk.
The Audience is Getting Restless, Jerry.
Don't Laugh - It's All Jerry's Got Left.
Primary Day in the Morning.
The Old Show Ain't What it Used to Be.
Puch Drunk by His Own Blows.
And He Wanted to be Mayor.
All for One, One for All.
Could It Be a Case of Mistaken Identity?
Another Reason to Vote for Alger and Deutsch.
The Real Motive Power.
Two Good Reasons to Support Fusion.
A Strain on the Old Bean.
Look Behind Yourself, Jerry.
Is His Mouth Watering!
Who Do You Think You're Fooling, Jerry?
Does the Intelligent Voter Want a Return to This?
What Party Regularity Does to a Man.
Vote Fusion and You'll Vote as YOU Wish.
Ready to Start Looting Again.