Belted out of Him.
Gagging Him.
Hell Bent for Election.
If You Don't Want This, Vote for McGoldrick.
Another Reason to Vote for Alger and Deutsch.
Out of the Murk.
Trotting Out the Old Parrot.
Citizenship at its Best.
Whose Invisbile Hand Keeps Him from Prosecuting?
As He Would Like to Have It.
It Was Certainly Worth It.
Don't Laugh - It's All Jerry's Got Left.
"You Don't Think That Ends it, Do You?"
Working Down Toward the Bottom.
The Voice Behind the Mask.
[Wanted dead or alive...]
"Now Let's See How Much Indignation You've Got."
Vote Fusion and You'll Vote as YOU Wish.
Ready to Start Looting Again.
Trying to Put out the Light.