"Now Let's See How Much Indignation You've Got."
How About This One?
"How About the Motives of His Own Organization?"
Let's Look at the Record, Mr. Mahoney.
How Do You Like it, Mr. Taxpayer?
It's Up to You!
Working Down Toward the Bottom.
As He Would Like to Have It.
Trying to Think up Another Shenanigan.
The Last Desperate Snarl of the Tiger.
"Good; but How About the City Goverment?"
"Yeah, and What Are You Goin' to Do About?"
Citizenship at its Best.
All Right, Al - Let's.
"My Son, I Hate to Do this, but it is My Duty."
It Was Certainly Worth It.
It's Up to the Magistrates.
"You Don't Think That Ends it, Do You?"
Now that He Has Wrecked it, it's up to Him to Do a Good Job Rebuilding.
Back to the Old Days.