"I Think the Results Obtained in the Past Ten or Eleven Years Have Been Marvelous."
The Racketeer of the Milk Bottle.
The Parade of the Question Marks.
The Playboys of Albany.
Dug out of the Sand.
The Town Crier.
The Harvest is Ripe.
Trying to Soak the Boss.
See, the Conquering Hero Comes!
The Head of a Bankrupt Firm has a Little Chat with the Manager.
The Old Boy Means Business this Time.
Where the Chicken Dealer Gets the Axe.
The State Gets After the Meanest Racketeer.
Never Mind the Mess on the Floor - Give the Poor Policy - Holders a Break.
The Vulture's Roost.
The Tapped Well.
Ripping off the Lid.
The Grave Diggers.
Though I Speak with the Tongues of Men and of Angels, but Have Not Charity, I Have Become Sounding Brass or a Clanging Cymbal.
The Stage Set.