It Was Certainly Worth It.
How Do You Like it, Mr. Taxpayer?
Spelling it Out For Him.
"My Son, I Hate to Do this, but it is My Duty."
"How About Sayin' Let's Sift it Up to the Very Bottom?"
"Lake Placid? Excuse it, Please."
"I'm a 'New" Tammany as Long as it Doesn't Hit My Pocket - Book."
As He Would Like to Have It.
"You Don't Think That Ends it, Do You?"
"All Things Come Home at Eventide."
"Not if I Can Stop It."
At Bay.
"I Am - Sorry."
The Hitchhiker.
Who Do You Think You're Fooling, Jerry?
"I'm Going to Investigate You."
"And the Smile on the Face of the Tiger."
"Now Cut the Other One Off!"
The House Cat Gets the Morning's News.
On Guard.