Is His Mouth Watering!
"How About the Motives of His Own Organization?"
"And the Smile on the Face of the Tiger."
The Outsider - By His Failure to Prosecute.
And the Tax - Payer Pays Dearly for Both.
And the Smile on the Face of the Tiger.
And in the Face of All This?
The New Comic.
The Borough President Race.
Fight in the Wigwam.
The Old Brother Act.
And Once They Were Big Shots.
Trotting Out the Old Parrot.
The Anvil Chorus.
Hackshaw, the Detective. Starts for Home.
Taking Back the Robe She Gave.
Some Cream and a Lot of Tin Cans.
The Nice, Soft Cushion.
The Tin Box Chorus.
"You're There in the Pinches, Boy."