A Great American.
The Only Mourner.
"Your Relief? This is a Party Matter."
"Not on Your Life!"
The Harvest is Ripe.
"This is a Very Delicate Operation Called 'Splitting a Fee.'"
Here's Your Chance!
"A Plague O' Both Your Houses!"
Time to See Where This Money is Going.
On Your Table.
Keep Your Finger On It!
"You See it Can Be Done, You Had Your Chance!"
The Gray Dawn is Breaking.
Is His Mouth Watering!
It Was a Long Time Coming, but Here it is at Last.
A Penny at a Time.
"I'm Sorry Junior, but Owing to the Truckmen's Strike There is No Spinach."
A Case for the S.P.C.A.
Don't Forget - That's the Voice of Your Constituents!
A Weary Business.