"I'm Going to Investigate You."
"I'm Running This Town."
"I'm Sorry Junior, but Owing to the Truckmen's Strike There is No Spinach."
"I'm for Harmony, Gentlemen."
"I'm a 'New" Tammany as Long as it Doesn't Hit My Pocket - Book."
"Just a Minute - I'm Not Dead - Only Sick."
"Take Her Back to the Garage, Joe. I'm Using the Subway."
"I Guess I'll be Militant."
Which Do They Really Want?
"I Suppose You Call That 'Government Propaganda!'"
"I'd Like it in $1000 Bills."
"Why Not Rip that Off? Do You Think I'm Made of Money?"
Though I Speak with the Tongues of Men and of Angels, but Have Not Charity, I Have Become Sounding Brass or a Clanging Cymbal.
A Penny at a Time.
"He's Really a Very Useful Animal."
A Reluctant Egg.
A Hopeless Task.
A Gabby Old Girl.
"One Doesn't Have to be a Radical to Subscribe to That."
"I Think the Results Obtained in the Past Ten or Eleven Years Have Been Marvelous."