How About This One?
The Real Motive Power.
"How About Sayin' Let's Sift it Up to the Very Bottom?"
The Loafer and His Backer.
"Good; but How About the City Goverment?"
Is His Mouth Watering!
Puch Drunk by His Own Blows.
How Do You Like it, Mr. Taxpayer?
"Yeah, and What Are You Goin' to Do About?"
"Sure! He's One of our Boys. Ain't that What the Organization's For?
The Outsider - By His Failure to Prosecute.
"Now Let's See How Much Indignation You've Got."
And the Smile on the Face of the Tiger.
Where's the Voice of the "New" Tammany?
Out of the Murk.
"And the Smile on the Face of the Tiger."
[Political cartoon depicting the investigation of Albert Marinelli.]
And in the Face of All This?
"I Never Heard of the Ewald Case."
The Anvil Chorus.