Honey Bees.
Another "Preferred List."
No Politics, Mr. President!
The Pleasent Sounds of Marching Men.
"There's No Use in Trying to Fight That Man Smith."
No Dewey for Them!
"I'm Sorry Junior, but Owing to the Truckmen's Strike There is No Spinach."
Public Martyr No. 1.
The Harvest is Ripe.
Moral Indignation or Political Expediency.
Trying to Soak the Boss.
See, the Conquering Hero Comes!
"I Guess I'll be Militant."
Time for Spring Pruning.
Complete Surrender.
"I Suppose You Call That 'Government Propaganda!'"
"One Doesn't Have to be a Radical to Subscribe to That."
Get that Broom to Work.
"Take it Easy Buddy, Until You Learn."