"I Can't Let Them Starve but Where to Get the Money?"
The Modern "Song of Shirt."
One Problem a Wisecrack Won't Solve.
"This is a Very Delicate Operation Called 'Splitting a Fee.'"
Wise and Foolish.
A Bad Ingredient.
"Why Not Rip that Off? Do You Think I'm Made of Money?"
The Easy Mark.
Security for the Unskilled.
"That Ought to Make Me Terribly Smart, Pop."
"If We Can Git Back into Power; That's My Idea of Thanksgiving Day!"
The Trick is to Get It.
A Tough Spot.
A Matter of Principle.
[Caricature of an unidentified man.]
"I'd Like it in $1000 Bills."
Give the Voter a Break.
Where it Belongs.
The Intelligent Voter - His Marks.
"Bob Moses Doesn't Love Me. The Democrats Don't Love Me. The Public Doesn't Love Me. Nobody Loves Me!"