Battery Park, Custom House and Skyscrapers, New York.
N. E. from Battery Park #1 Bdway - The Custom House
Standard Oil Building, New York.
Battery Park, showing Custom House, Battery Park and Chesborough Buildings, New York.
[Battery Park and the Lower Manhattan skyline.]
[Broadway, north from Battery Park]
Battery Park, New Custom House and Washington Building, New York.
Standard Oil Building, 26 B'way
Around Bowling Green, Alexander Hamilton United States Custom House on right.
N.Y. Custom House Ceiling Designs by Reginald Marsh. [Sketch of the layout of the Custom House murals]
New York Custom House. Grand staircase, interior.
Standard Oil Building, New York
Broadway Series. Custom House at right. Produce Exchange in center. No. 10 Bway at left. Bowling Green in center foreground.
Perspective, U.S. Custom House.
[Around Bowling Green, Standard Oil Building at lower left.]
Manhattan skyline from Staten Island ferry. The towering office buildings of stone and steel piercing the sky.
[The Standard Oil Company Building.]
New York Custom House, interior of rotunda.
Buildings, Battery Park Building, 21-24 State Street.
Bowling Green. New York U.S. Custom House, entrance.