Bank of Manhattan Building, 40 Wall Street
[Wall Street Group -- Towers of Manhattan]
[Chase Manhattan Plaza and Wall Street area from top of Chase Manhattan Bank Building.]
40 Wall Street. Bank of Manhattan
National City Bank Building. Wall Street Elevation.
40 Wall Street. Bank of Manhattan Building. Elevated view from 63 Wall Street
United Bank Building, Broadway & Wall Street
National City Bank, 52 Wall Street
Bank of the Manhattan Co. 40 Wall St.
Bank of the Manhattan Co., 40 Wall Street, N.Y.C. Safe deposit vaults.
Irving Trust Company Building, One Wall Street
Bank of Manhattan Trust Co. Lower entrance door to Wall Street.
Bank of Manhattan Trust, New York.
40 Wall Street. Bank of Manhattan Building, Ozark [marble] in 14th floor elevator lobby.
55 Wall Street. National City Bank Co., entrance
Central Trust Co. Building. 54 Wall Street
Irving Trust Company Building, One Wall Street [Variant]