Rivington Street. Here are the sweatshops which furnish much of the clothing to the uptown shops.
Chinatown - Pell St
[Pell Street.]
Heart of Chinatown. Mott Street. The Chinaman loves his fire escape.
Chinese Drug Store, Pell Street.
Fifth Avenue. North from 50th Street. Here are the world's most lavish shops and the world's smartest traffic.
Doyer Street. Bowery - Chinatown. Doyer Street, a narrow winding street framed by the "L" at the Bowery.
[23 Pell Street.]
[3-5-7-9 Pell Street]
Pell Street [Park Row to Prince Street]
[Pell Street from #33 to the Bowery.]
Chinese Writing - Canal Street
Scenes in Chinatown, Exterior of Chinese Restaurant
[Corner of Mott Street and Pell Street]
The Chinese Delmonico's.
The Tombs Prison at Centre Street.
Procession. 5th Avenue - 41st Street. Shoppers to the department stores and shops in the vicinity.