Gangster Methods Won't Solve Crimes.
"Give Him the Works."
One Problem a Wisecrack Won't Solve.
Somewhat Obscured.
You Did It!
Change for the Better.
"Please Go Away."
"I Betcha Dey Ain't Fish - I Betcha Dey's Cakes- I Betcha."
The Goat.
No Shirt.
Drop It!
"That's the Man who Ruined Us."
A Victim of Compulsory Reform.
Congratulations All Around.
The Curb Market Lists Several New Items.
The Endurance Sitter, or Up a Tree.
"Please Use the Back Door."
Has Somebody Doped Hawkshaw, the Detective?
"And That's the Last I Saw of 'Em."
Put Him in a Cage Where He Can Do No Harm.