St. John the Divine Park [Morningside Park with the cathedral above]
[Morningside Park and St. Luke's, Cathedral of St. John the Divine.]
[View of the Cathedral of St. John the Divine from the park.]
[Morningside Drive and 110th Street.]
Cathedral of St. John the Devine, Morningside Park
110th Street at Amsterdam Avenue, Showing the Cathedral of St. John the Divine; Transporting One of the Columns of the New Cathedral Along Amsterdam Avenue
Churches, Cathedral of St. John the Divine.
Amsterdam Avenue from West 111th Street to West 113th Street. Cathedral of St. John the Divine
The Cathedral of St. John the Divine from Morning Side Park
Cathedral of St. John the Divine.
[Cathedral of St. John the Divine.]
Cathedral of St. John's Divine, New York City.
Amsterdam Avenue and Cathedral Parkway. Cathedral of St. John the Divine, Synod Hall
Synod Hall, Cathedral of St. John the Divine
[View of St. John the Divine and St. Luke's Hospital from across Morningside Park.]
Cathedral of St. John the Divine, New York.