A Blow to the Old Gentleman.
"Do You Realize What's Going On Here?"
Something for the "Strong - Arm" Advocates to Think About.
Digging into an Unsavory Mess.
Now that He Has Wrecked it, it's up to Him to Do a Good Job Rebuilding.
"You Didn't Hear Nothin' Like That When We Was Runnin' It."
Getting Ready for the Fall Campaign.
How the Old Tin Box System Works.
Cat Fit.
"Mr. President!"
The Unforgivable Crime.
Now For the Big Cat!
A Bad Ingredient.
Bad News.
His Own Bird Sanctuary.
Financial G Man.
[Caricature of an unidentified man.]
"There's No Use in Trying to Fight That Man Smith."
A Hopeless Task.
A Reluctant Egg.