Locating the "Blame."
"The Freedom of the Port."
Thunder Storm Extinguished Light in Torch of Statue of Liberty.
"So They're Goin' to Wash Her, Pore Old Girl."
Sword or Hammer - Which Has Won?
Oh, Lady! Lady!
It's Up to the Magistrates.
"I'd Like it in $1000 Bills."
Back to the Pond.
It's Time Somebody Did Something About It.
Where it Belongs.
Try to Run Him Out, Mayor Hague!
"My Son, I Hate to Do this, but it is My Duty."
Drown It!
"Take Her Back to the Garage, Joe. I'm Using the Subway."
"Not if I Can Stop It."
It's Up to You, Mr. Voter.
The Old Gang's Back.
"I Guess I'll be Militant."
Drop It!