No Politics, Mr. President!
The Modern Joshua.
Let's Look at the Record, Mr. Mahoney.
Exit the Villain, Sneezing.
"The Top O' The Mornin' to Ye."
Mr. Browder Goes Under Ground.
"Don't Answer the Bell, Mr. President!"
New York Red Terror.
When the Heat Holds On.
Shake Her Off, Mr. Hoover.
The King is Dead - Long Live the Queen!
"See You Later, Mr. Ambassador?"
Social Note: Mr. Aloysius O'Rourke, Mr. Isidor Horowitz, Mr. Tony Di Amico Attend a Bathing Party.
See What Came Up the Fire Escape!
The Sisters.
The Real and the Imitation.
The Majesty of the Law.
Mr. Banton's Idea of a Murder Trial.
The Boss of the Seven Seas.
The World's Meanest Criminal.