A Great Army.
Now We're Getting Somewhere.
Though I Speak with the Tongues of Men and of Angels, but Have Not Charity, I Have Become Sounding Brass or a Clanging Cymbal.
Don't Forget - That's the Voice of Your Constituents!
The Timid Soul. (With a Bow to Webster.)
What to Do With Them.
It Has Certainly Agreed with Him.
He Can't Convince Anyone With That!
The Head of a Bankrupt Firm has a Little Chat with the Manager.
"The Trouble With You is That You Are Not Interested in Me."
Not Arguing With Him.
What About the Little Boy with the Tin Cup?
"On the Partial Payement Plan."
"I Betcha Dey Ain't Fish - I Betcha Dey's Cakes- I Betcha."
Humble Contributors to Mr. Mellon.
A Master Mind Breaks Down.
Secured at Great Expense - to N.Y. City.
The Messenger Boy Arrives.