"Blackjacked and Robbed? Tut! Tut!"
A Weary Business.
Busy Day.
A Busy Little Bee.
Whose Face?
Another Guardian Angel Appears.
Not Out of His Basket!
In a Brooklyn Back Yard.
The Old Boy Means Business this Time.
A Drive on the Rats.
So You Don't Think a Clean - Up was Necessary, Eh?
What Unintimidated Witnesses Can Do.
Gangster Methods Won't Solve Crimes.
"Now Go Out and Fight 'Em."
A Blow - Up Coming.
"Well, Whaddy Know About That! Gangsters!"
The Kings County Gestapo.
"How About Sayin' Let's Sift it Up to the Very Bottom?"
The Last Desperate Snarl of the Tiger.
"Which Way Did He Go!"