Old Country Inn (Croton Cottage) Cor. 5th Av. & 40th St. 1861.
The Old Hellgate Tavern, Foot of 86th Street
"Ye Old Willow Cottage" Fifth Avenue and 44th Street
The Benkard Mansion, Later the Manhattan Club House. S.W. Cor. Fifth Ave. and 15th Street
Building, Knox, Fifth Ave. & 40th Street.
The Peweter Mug Tavern, 1860
Street Scene Looking South Down Fifth Ave. from 40th Street.
"Old Tom's" and the "Crooked Stoop"
Fifth Avenue between 40th and 42nd Sts. [Fifth Avenue, 40th Street to 54th Street]
Old Tavern
Street Scene Looking Down Fifth Ave. from 40th Street.
[Knox Building, Fifth Avenue and 40th Street.]
Fifth Ave., Looking North from 40th St., N. Y.
Fifth Avenue [Fifth Avenue, 40th Street to 54th Street]
[40th Street and 5th Avenue.]
[Fifth Avenue looking north from above 40th Street.]
Street Scene Looking North on Fifth Ave. from 40th Street.