Bowman, Mr. J., Mc. E. Pres. Biltmore Hotels, Copy, Portrait, Full Figure at Race Track.
Bowman, Mr. J., Mc. E. Pres. Biltmore Hotels, Copy, Portrait, full figure at race track.
[Bowman, Mr. J., Mc. E. Pres. Biltmore Hotels, Copy, Portrait, Full Figure at Race Track.]
Hotel Biltmore, Portraits, Chef Leoni (Commodore) Mate de Hotel Malnati (Biltmore).
Hotel Biltmore, Tapestries.
Hotel Biltmore.
Portrait of Chef Eugene Bouvier of Atlanta-Biltmore made at Hotel Commodore.
Hotel Biltmore, Italian Garden, Portraits, Jean Malnati & Chef Leoni.
Hotel Biltmore, Italian Garden, Portrait, Jean Malnati (Matre de Hotel Biltmore), Belgium Medal.
Race Tracks, Race Horses.
Race Tracks, Sheepshead, Finish of Race.
Race Tracks, Fleetwood.
Biltmore Hotel.