[447 Madison Avenue at the corner of East 51st Street. Mrs. O. H. P. Belmont residence.]
[Graves Residence, 7 West 51st Street.]
3 East 51st Street. General exterior.
640 5th Avenue at 51st Street. F. W. Vanderbilt house.
East 51st Street and Park Avenue, southwest corner. St. Bartholomew's Church
51st Street at the S.E. corner of Madison Avenue. W.H. Fahnestock residence, hall.
East 51st Street and Park Avenue, northeast corner. St. Bartholomew's Church
East 51st Street and Park Avenue, southwest corner. St. Bartholomew's Church. Interior, chancel
East 51st Street and Park Avenue. Ambassador Hotel
[West 51st Street and 6th Avenue.]
East 51st Street and Park Avenue, southwest corner. St. Bartholomew's Church. Interior, side aisle
[Northwest corner of 1st Avenue and 51st Street]
East 51st Street and Park Avenue. Ambassador Hotel. Upper stories
[Madison Avenue and 51st Street.]
[Madison Avenue above 51st Street.]
5 East 51st Street. View From 5th Avenue Sidewalk
East 51st Street and Park Avenue, southwest corner. St. Bartholomew's Church. Interior, towards rear