Complimentary Feed in Honor of Mr. George Lawrence
Dinner in honour of Sir Henry Mortimer Durand by the Pilgrims of the United States
Dinner in honour of Sir Michael Herbert by the Pilgrims of the United States
Dinner given by L. Laflin Kellogg in honor of Mr. Justice S. Alonzo Kellogg
Dinner to the Board of Governors by President L. Laflin Kellogg
Dinner by the Officers and Directors of the New York National Exchange Bank 1851-1901
Dinner in honor of the Honorable Henry White, L.L.D.
One hundred and twelfth Anniversary of the St. George's Society
Dinner in honour of Mr. George T. Wilson given by members of the Union League Club of New York
Dinner Given by the Motor-Car Touring Society in Honour of Commander Robert E. Peary, United States Navy
Dinner in honor of the Right Honorable Lord Northcliffe by the Pilgrims of the United States
Saint Nicholas Society Tasting Dinner
Banquet by the Chamber of Commerce in honor of the Commander and Officers of the French National Ship Isère.
Chamber of Commerce of the State of New York 137th Annual Banquet
Annual Dinner of the First Panel Shefiff's Jury
Banquet of the Sons of the Revolution
St. George's Society of New York One hundred and Seventeenth Anniversary
Annual Dinner of the First Panel, Sheriff's Jury